Dec 27, 2013

Being. Fearless.

They say that tears are droplets of universal love, the nectar of mother earth. If that’s the case then I sure I have a lot of nectar. As I sit here on the plane en route to the other side of the world I can’t help but reflect on my years of life. The what, the how, the why, the why not? Questions and for the most part no answers. I don’t know what I’m sure of or not sure of. The way life has unraveled thus far makes my smile and cry. The soul men that walked across my path leaving a footprint on my heart, I wonder why.

Why do we get angry with those we love the most. Why do we hate when love doesn’t go our way. Why do we, humans, tear our souls apart?

I don’t where my journey will take me. I am re-exploring those innocent and inquisitive thoughts that everything happens for a reason and everyone you cross paths with adds a puzzle piece to unfold your own personal story.

Life isn’t easy. Life isn’t long. Life is precious. It is to be respected. Cherished. Handled with compassion.

If everyone did this, we would hurt less and love more.

Did I ever imagine in my wildest dreams that I’d be in this place at 35? No. Did I imagine I’d be taking an epic trip to Tanzania to physically conquer the mountain that is in my way? Heck no! Life is about taking chances. It’s about being in love with yourself. It’s about being… fearless.