5 days before the big event, I figured it was about time I checked out the route and got familiar with what I have gotten myself into. Here's a sneak peak at the route we will be following and a day by day summary of the scenes we will witness. It sounds amazing. A few people have asked me " So, are you ready?" My answer, "hmm... who knows, but I finished the training". Yesterday was my last training ride and we finished with a CLIMB, of course! Old La Honda Road is a south bay benchmark route consisting of a beautiful redwood tree lined windy vertical-ish road. I had the joy and pleasure of being able to ride with one my long time girlfriends Emily WangChung, who flew in from Taiwan just last week and brought along her sweet ride. Thanks for sharing the moment with me, it was a blast! Congratulations were in order for all the riders new and old that joined in on the hundreds of miles of training this season. I said it before and I will say it again, I lucked out with this group, they were AMAZING! I am definitely a better rider... but getting back to the question, Am I ready? I am ready to ride, yes. I am ready for an experience, yes. But ready for what I am about to experience, can't possibly be, because I have no idea.... it's exciting and nerveracking at the same time. Thank you all for your support with fundraising, with words of encouragement, and with hand holding. Stay tuned on this blog for updates along the ride.
For all my local supporters here are some deets for you. You are welcome to visit and partake in the festivities.
Sunday June 5, 2011 6:00AM
The Cow Palace: Opening Ceremonies are scheduled to begin at 6:00 AM, immediately followed by Ride Out.
Sunday June 5th 9:00AM
There will be a cheering point at the intersection of HWY 92 and HWY 35
Saturday June 11, 2011 4:00PM
VA Center
11301 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90025