The word of the day was "HAMMER", after having an easy day 5 ride, everyone was ready to take it out on the road for todays 89 mile ride. My body however had its own agenda. The first 20 some miles were a hammerfest. I was so focused on hammering that I missed the climb and descend that was supposed to get me to break 40mph. The climb came and went and I kept asking "where's the climb?" " you just DID it!" "oh... oops, can we do it again?" I guess I have to wait until next year. We hammered all the way to rest stop 1 and took a little longer than expected at the stop, somehow 5 mins turned into 30! The big boys were clearly not happy about this as the pace picked up from 17 to 25... I spent the next 30 miles in a chasing frenzy. By the time we hit the lunch spot I was wiped out. Then I heard the magic words, "only 5 mile to paradise pit where we get ice cream!" Go Go Go! Paradise Pit is organized by the SB community and is full of home made goodies and ice cream galore! It was just what the body needed or atleast what the taste buds needed. The pace slowed down after paradise pit and it was a breathtaking ride down the coast through SB, until ofcourse my view was disturbed by a head on collision with a BEE. The good news, I am not allergic to bees, the not so good news, I have a swollen mound on my thigh. Finally made it to Ventura for my last tent night.

What did I learn today? When I started riding I would ask myself what I learned from each ride. In the beginning it was all about technique and over time the learnings were deeper. Today I learned something that I want to share. There is NOTHING, no challenge, that I can't do, defeat, and accomplish. BUT even the greatest warriors hit a low and need some help to get through the battle. Today was one of those days when I asked for help, I asked my friends to help me get through the ride, and they did.
The evening closed out with a silent candlelight vigil, 3000 people gathered together by the ocean to honor those that have passed, those that are suffering, those that we ride for. It was extremely powerful and truly embodied the essence of one of my favorite quotes
"be the change you wish to see in the world". ~ Gandhi
One more day...