Today is vipassana day; the previous day was just prep work but today starts the technique. You can’t work with your body if you don’t even know where, who, what the breath is. I remember when we learned this last time I was in tears. The fluid flow of sensations that engulfed me during the practice was overwhelming and supportive at the same time.
I closed my eyes and intently listened to the instructions which I quite honestly had forgotten so I was thankful for the repetition. “Start at the toop of the head, toop of the head.” Goenkaji said in his Indian accent (top really did sound like toop). I scanned my body from sensations… they were few and far between. It was little frustrating, where did the good vibrations go, I wondered. Even though you are not supposed to look for sensations you can’t help but look.
As I scanned and breathed for the next two hours, my sensitivity grew and soon enough there was no shape and no form. I can’t say I was physically floating but it sure as hell felt like I was. There was no thought, no noise… a subtle sound resonated in my ears vibrating on a whole other frequency. I remember a friend who said he could hear “Om” when he was in yoga poses… it sounded amazing. I think this is what he was talking about… that primordial sound that is constantly there underlying all other sounds. It was magical and crazy and cool and impermanent. While I was in that space it felt like I was there forever, in reality it might have been a few moments but those moments I was there.

Read more... Vipassana Part 5: Noble speech
ritu riyat