Dec 22, 2011

Novice Cyclist Series: Bike shopping continues "second date"

Before really committing to the Team Machine, I needed to take her out for a longer ride and see if we “connect”. I went on a ride with The Cycle Pros the following weekend. It also happened to be a really windy Saturday morning.  Really really WINDY! What was supposed to be a leisurely 40 miles quickly transformed into a challenging and emotional experience, let me put it this way… I was on the verge of tears as I fought the wind going 2 miles an hour trying to climb up the hill. Part of the challenge was the lightness of the bike, I had been used to my aluminum clunker that stayed steady and grounded in the winds, and this bike was so light that I had to work to keep it on the ground. My initial reaction was, maybe this isn’t “the one” but I gave it the benefit of the doubt and pedaled through it eventually reaching the turn on the hill. The lightness of the bike became its asset as I coasted down the hill at close to 40mph with the wind on my back. This one’s definitely got potential! BUT is it “the one”??? 

I wasn’t ready to make that decision today… there were still some bikes remaining on the list. But the BMC team machine is definitely in the running.