I am proud to have ridden alongside so many passionate people of all walks of life. When I sent out my donor letters I had written that HIV/AIDS does not discriminate. The community that came out to support the ride whether as a rider, a roadie, a donor, or sponsor proved these words true. Usually I would be in crowds having to repeat my name a few times because of its uniqueness, here I was surrounded by unique names, and diverse individuals. I have to admit I was suprised to even see a few of my fellow South Asians out there representing (although I hope the 4 I ran into will slowly multiply into 400 one year... Curry Pedalers???). Everyone that participated in this event helped to build awareness and break the stigmas associated with HIV.
Everything happens for a reason and everyone crosses your path with a message, as long as you are listening. Day 3 was a turning point for me. I got into Paso Robles kinda early and was bursting with energy ( as I usually am after a ride). I met someone who was tenting close by mine, we began chatting. I mentioned it was my first time riding and then asked how many times he had ridden. He hadn't. He was infected with HIV 10 years ago and has not been able to ride, he was there as a roadie, working in the kitchen to provide us riders with hot meals. He went on to thank me for participating, and he wanted me to know that he was one of the people that was directly supported by my fundraising efforts. I could barely hold back the tears, not becuase I felt sorry, but because I felt the impact of what I was involved in, those that had done this before were right, it's bigger than me.
Yes I had my ups and downs on all levels, physical, psychological, emotional, and spritual. At times the smallest comment seemed like the biggest insult, how could that person do this to me... or I hope they don't think I was ignoring them I was hungry and had to eat NOW! But in the end none of that matters and that is the magic of the ride. There are moments of challenge, defeat, and victory and every inch of it is worth it!
Thanks again for all of your support. This is just the beginning of the Novice Cyclist Series... I couldn't even stay away from the bike more than a day, yup come Monday I was back on it for a short ride.
Pictures say a thousand words. Here is my week in pictures and videos... enjoy!
Day 0:
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5;
Day 6:
Day 7: