Now that the AIDS ride is done and over (for this year) it’s time to start the hunt for a new a bike… who will take the place of Hot Rod? I am by no means a bike expert now and still consider myself a novice by far, I can barely pronounce have the components and let alone understand their function but I WANT to be a geek eventually so I ask questions and listen carefully and then ask more questions… it seems to be working out well. I honestly have no idea what bike I want but I did have some bikes in mind that sounded good, seemed to be rated good, and MOST importantly looked good J
Day 1 of finding my new love led me to Mikes Bikes in Los Gatos. I had been eyeing the Specialized bikes for some time now and it was time to finally experience them. Before I get into the deets, a little side notes: My motivation for starting up bike shopping was triggered by a few things:
1. I tested the new Volagi bike which I thought was my new love but the novelty quickly wore off however she was an amazing ride. It was little disappointing and frustrating and meant getting back to the drawing board.

3. No brainer- Having the Tour de France up close and personal on my TV is a definite motivator.
Getting back to Mikes Bikes… I asked to test ride the Ruby expert and the Amira expert. From what I had heard in past q/a sessions. The Ruby is a comfort bike and the Amira a race bike so what defines me… well good question … I want to believe that I like racy cuz it sounds fast but comfort is important too, I’m not trying to wear away my bum. So am I comfort or race? I don’t know … but I’d rather be the one to define me vs. someone telling me what the right bike is for me. I took out bike number one, Ruby, for a quick spin and climb. She was smooth for sure, even over bumps and holes, but there was something missing… the “it” factor. I would work hard but I didn’t feel the work being transferred over in speed … hmm… this is what everyone was talking about, the transfer of energy. Luckily I had a good comparison, the Volagi experience was dead on in energy transfer. She wasn’t the bike for me. Next up… Amira expert. I had been eyeing this bike for days … she looks good on paper AND in person. I took her out for the same spin and immediately felt the connection. I moved and she moved… I rode over bumps and pot holes and she smoothed them out… I climbed and she climbed but it seemed a little harder… not sure if that was the Amira or me. I brought her back with raving reviews. Next… for fun I was set up on the Amira S-works, an 8k bike that is waaaaay outta my budget but hey a girl can dream. I took her out for a spin and immediately I realized SHE was in control of me …. I think she was the one riding over bumps with a mind of her own cut that shit was BUMPY! Talk about PMS! I didn’t even make it to the climb before bringing her back… nice bike but quite honestly she’s too aggressive for me… I’m not there YET. Thanks for the ride though, at least I can stop drooling over her now.
All in all day 1 was an awesome learning experience. So what am I, comfy or racy? Neither but so far I like the Amira expert, but is she the new love? Too soon to say, it’s like finding “the one” you gotta kiss some frogs before you find a Prince. The search continues… what’s next…. You’re guess is as good as mine… stay tuned.
~ ritu