66 miles and the day to be feared - Quad Buster! It was the day everyone talked about, the dreaded hill climb which makes you want to cry. I think either you love it and want to do it 5 times or hate it and want to walk up. Honestly I think it was false advertising, the climb wasn't so bad BUT everything afterwards WAS. The next 20 miles or so consisted of head winds and more head winds... It was one of those times that Im glad I wasn't being difficult and rebelious, instead of stopping at rest stop 2, I continued on with the group and it was a wise decision. The broad shoulders in front of me did wonders for the wind. After all the hammering was done I enjoyed a yummy burger, a good massage, and ofcourse some pushups. I was pleasantly suprised to find an ice cream shop at the camp and truly enjoyed it. All in all the ride was a fun one into Paso Robles... and yes I did get my wine fix at a cute local restaurant, it was too much to resist.